Silencer Devices noise cancelling system has the Widest Frequency Range, Extremely Low Latency, and requires Remarkably Little Processing Power to run. Perhaps it should be used in your products?
We leveraged our $22 billion in product marketing experience and created a technology that can be Scaled to Performance Requirements or Cost Constraints – and it is not limited to use cases in the audio spectrum.

Application Examples:

Wouldn’t it be great to market your phone as a Better Phone?

Re-imagine Hearables since you no longer need to block a person’s ears to cancel noise

Help people keep their Home Life Out of the Home Office

Deliver more immersive gaming and VR experiences, without the “Broadcast Echo” caused by participants not using headsets

Eliminate the “Self-Wake” problem and let your Voice Assistants hear commands over the music they are playing

Wouldn’t everybody prefer quieter appliances? We can help.

We are willing to partner with you to create quieter industrial products, like HVAC systems

We believe there are opportunities for our technology in improving Comms and Stealth

Silencer Devices Technology is not limited to the audio spectrum